Aggressive Colorado DUI Lawyer can help you with your first Colorado DUI. Free consultation! In Colorado, the penalties for your first DUI with a BAC below .20, can land you in jail for five days up to one year, up to $1000.00 fine, up to 96 hours of public service, probation up to 2 years, and 12 points against your license. Don’t forget the alcohol classes you will be attending every weekend.
An Alamosa man was charged with driving under the influence, careless driving, and driving without a valid license. It’s not uncommon to find a careless driving charge accompanying a DUI charge. The language of the careless driving law is very broad and in the eyes of the law “careless driving” is when a person drives “in a careless and imprudent manner, without due regard for the width, grade, curves, corners, traffic, and use of the streets and highway and all other attendant circumstances.”
Colorado DUI Lawyer can representing people accused of these crimes should be sought out. DUI can be confusing because there are two cases against you. An administrative case for the DUI which revokes your license and a criminal case for the DUI which can land you in you jail. You want to immediately contact a Colorado DUI Lawyer to invoke your rights and offer you advice.